Reviews Of Things I Like

Reviews Of Things I Like The Story Of Other People Getting Married

Life is a struggle and feelings can be overwhelming. Sometimes is difficult to see the difference between self sabotaging and being depressed. Did I take some bad decisions or this is normal and we all go through the same phases and doubts? Could it be my life is just strange or it just looks strange in my eyes?
I feel blue...after a really rocky history of relationships and doing a ton of soul searching, I finally lucked out and 'met' (online, never in person) “the one.” Or so I thought…We talked every day, phone, text...I felt a connection to him that I never felt before with anyone, I was happy. BUT, whenever it came time to actually meet he would flake, and now we don't talk at all. I still think about him a lot, and it prevents me from giving other guys a chance, cuz part of me still thinks there’s a chance we will meet one day. It’s pathetic!! All of this has led me to basically lose hope in finding true love…so this is the crisis, ALL my friends are settling down and i have no one to talk to anymore, they are all preoccupied with babies and weddings. It just feels like such a lonely time. Even my siblings (im the baby) are all married and have kids and are usually busy. My highschool sweetheart is about to be a dad, all my ex bf's that were serious have seemed to move on completely. I know they say, you need to love yourself first before u can truly love another, but I did, and I thought the last 2 guys were it, but I was wrong. All this let down has affected my self esteem, how can a depressed person find love? It is a vicious cycle… I should also add i live in a new city where i hardly know anyone, so the loneliness is almost too much to bear some days. To add to the crisis, I want to change jobs into a different industry but can’t decide what to do. Is being 27 supposed to be this confusing and depressing? I thought I was done with this when I was a teen! I just can’t shake this 'woe is me' feeling that is just constant now, and that is NOT me. I used to be so optimistic about love and life in general, it’s like that person is gone, and the universe is rubbing everyone else's happiness in my face. I sometime wonder if anyone else feel like this or I am just  self sabotaging ..

Content Source: Bukisa - The Story Of Other People Getting Married Health projects

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